Friday, February 18, 2011

(34) Stay Calm and Productive

I have so much to get done this weekend.
Here is my sticky note to do list to keep me on track:
I am trying really hard not to freak out or stress out. My main problem is knowing that i will want to procrastinate on all of these assignments. Unfortunately, I don't have time to do that. So i have to keep on track and stick to the plan and have all of these done by the end of Sunday because i know i won't have time to do them on monday or tuesday.
Today's Happenings:
It is another cloudy day, and I'm happy about that except for not wanting to fully wake up.
I slept in 'til 9 and then got up and took a shower.
I spent the morning working on my roadmap to graduation project and doing laundry.
 I got to class early and started this post.

Class got out around 3:40
I had to wait over half an hour for the bus to come-thankfully it wasn't raining much, but it was really cold.
I got home around 4:40 and was so hungry.
Mom made italian sausage and angel hair pasta. I was eating dinner by 5:15-So early, not at all like us.
Dinner led to the downhill spiral of a nonproductive night.
I watched:
Gilmore Girls (while eating dinner)
 Design Inc., Cash Cab, Life as We Know It 
(were watched while laying in front of the fire and listening to the rain-so delightful)
Next thing I knew it was 9 o'clock and that meant that it was time to watch Say Yes to the Dress.
Why oh why am I such a TV junkie. I'm way too addicted.

So i failed at my plan today, but there is always tomorrow.

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