Tuesday, April 12, 2011

(87) The dileo

So here is the dileo AKA "the deal"
(Yes, i sometimes use really weird words and/or phrases.)

-Im sick, which really sucks
- I had two tests today, double suck
-I have a test tomorrow, yuck

Here is how my day went:
arrive at school
nap...couldn't keep my eyes open
test...not too bad
drink tea...caffeine, much needed 
study.... for hours
test-freak out...so many short answer questions...brain dead
go home
take a lot of medicine...dayquil, advil, emergen-c, nasal spray
work...the meds worked...i was happy and with it
bad tips...nice people...bad tippers
alka seltzer cold plus
study...last test this week
sleep...at some point

I hope everyone had a much better day than me....if not i am truly sorry, and have deep sympathy for whatever made it worse. 

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